Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Here is a sneak peak to Brady's Christmas pictures that we had made last week. I left off the Christmas card picture, as you will be seeing those soon enough :) I am working on getting those out in the mail! I think they turned out great, seeing that he is a 22 month old BOY that would not sit still and "cheese" like we practiced all morning!!! I went ahead and posted some of the bloopers that included him trying to pick up the props and throwing the ball!! Oh that boy!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season. I still have tons of Christmas shopping to do, but that is okay, that is the fun of it, right? To wait until the last minute to get everything. Santa knows what Brady wants, so I think he has that covered. We have a busy Saturday night with 2 Christmas parties. Then we are going to try to go to Breakfast with Santa this weekend, if not, we will have the opportunity next weekend. We also want to try to make it to Zoo Light Safari and going to see Santa at the mall as well.

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