Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve Night with families

Here is a collage of pictures from Aunt Lindy's and Nana & Pops house.
We exchanged gifts at Aunt Lindy's, where Brady got more toys, some money and clothes. Me and Jason, got gift cards to get a pedicure (me) and Academy (Jason). We ate supper, and waited for Santa to come by. He comes by every year on the firetruck, and 4 of the last 5 years it has rained, so he can't slow down, and we haven't gone to the road to see him, but we can see him pass by very well from her porch. Brady LOVED it. He kept saying Santa and making firetruck noises. Then he waved bye to him and said Bye Bye Santa, with more firetruck noises. We played dirty santa, where we won Chick Fil and Logan's gift Cards! We left them to play the crazy games, and headed to Nana & Pop's house. They had finished eating and were waiting on us to read the Christmas story, Joe Roy to recite Luke 2, I should know this but I can't not remember what all verses he knew, I was blown away! Then we exchanged gifts, we received more gift cards to eat and pedicures! Everyone knows us all too well. Brady got a talking truck and clothes.
We had a wonderful Christmas eve, celebrating Jesus and fellowship, but it was time to go home and prepare for Santa to come. We got home and put on Brady's special Christmas pajamas and he was ready for a sip of milk, his passssss!, and bed. He went right to sleep, and Santa was able to come on and visit him .... Posted by Picasa

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