Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

My precious Tiger ....
Brady loves his cousin Tyler, as you can see the grin on his face as he went up and hugged him when he first saw him!

As always, there is plenty of good food to eat ... Brady loves Cheese, so he decided to dip his shredded cheese into the cheese dip, to make it cheesier!

He loves wearing his "monkey on his back" ... even around the house ...

Every year for as long as Jason can remember his family has held there annual trick or treat festivities ... We go to Nana & Pop's where they have everything set up and the bonfire roaring! Everyone gathers, brings chips, dips, snacks, desserts, etc .. We roast hot dogs on the open fire. Fellowship, then all the kiddo's load up on the trailers and go trick or treating. I have been doing this for 5 years and we used to only have only 1 trailer full, but the families have gotten bigger and friends added to the mix, so now we fill up two trailers. The headcount on our trailer was 27! So I am sure we had around 50 people on there, with about 25 trick or treaters! Can you image the neighbors faces when they saw the kids piling off the trailer running towards there door!!! That would explain why only about 10 houses had there lights on and one turned there lighs off when they saw us pull up!!!! HA! Brady was a blast. I have to say, I was very worried about him, he is at the age where he is constantly going and you have to constantly keep an eye on him. That is why I bought the "monkey on his back" .. but he did great. He liked to go trick or treating with his Uncle Johnny (thank you Johnny!!). He was exhausted when we made it back to Nana's. We changed his clothes, but on his pj's and went home and he hit the pillow and never said a word until 7:00 the next morning, and that is gaining an extra hours' sleep as well!! Happy Halloween!

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