Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day ... This is the best picture, I have of the outfit I had made for Brady bug ... I was very happy with it, I found the lady from Madison, AL off of and was very pleased with the quality and craftsmanship! I will definitely use her again. We have so much to be thankful for .... love, family, a precious and healthy 22 month old little boy, a roof over our head, jobs, and a happy marriage. There are so many more, but those are the first things that pop in my head.
Brady had a good 2nd thanksgiving ... we started off the day by watching a little of the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. When he would stop and pay attention, he loved watching it. We went to Tu's house for Jason's side of the families thanksgiving, we had good food and fellowship, then the men went outside for a little Turkey Bowl and threw the football around. Of course Brady had to go out there and ride his car car. It was cold, so we didn't stay out long. After that, we headed to my parents, just in time to play my Aunt's version of Turkey turnover ... wow! Family pictures, which my mom has on her camera, so I will have to get some copies of those to post.
We went to see The Blind Side at 6 ... It is hands down the best movie I have ever seen, so touching and funny all in the same movie, couldn't' have asked for more.
I woke up at 4:30 to go to Target, it was crazy, but no one was going after what I wanted, so I got everything I needed, plus a few good deal extras and I was out there and back home by 6 ... Then Jason and I headed to Auburn for the Iron Bowl. I have to admit I never thought it would even be a game, and I was happily surprised! Our guys played so hard and fought all 4 quarters, but couldn't hold them off the last 2 minutes of the game, so I will take 26-21 .. a lot better than the shut-outs that were predicted all week ... War Eagle, today, tomorrow and forever! :)

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

22 months

Where has the time gone, my "baby" is now 22 months old. It is hard to believe. He is acting more and more like a big boy everyday. We were talking the other day, how Brady skipped the baby days. It seems like since he could sit up, he just grew up. He has never really cared for baby toys, he is all about big boy toys, especially his car cars. He has been playing with monster trucks for over a year now. Those are his favorites. He will line books, magazines, papers, etc up on the coffee table and make himself a track and will roll his car-cars on there for what seems like forever!
He is still a picky eater. When all else fells, he will always, always eat chicken nuggets. He also likes french fries, spaghetti, chips, cookies, steak, bread and rice. Those are always safe bets.
His vocabulary is starting to extend. He has started trying to repeat ALOT of what we say, things we don't want him to repeat. Like Daddy watching football Saturday night and saying "oh my god" .. and Brady says "oh my god" not as clearly as his daddy, but you could tell that was what he was going for.
He can say Momma (all the time!), da-da, nanie, papa, nana, TuTu (which is suppose to be SuSu), Tyler, light, horsies, Baylee Girl, which sounds more like Bully Gurrrr, bus, car, truck, cookies, tea, and make truck sounds. I am sure there are a few more that I am leaving out.
He is just a precious boy, and I hate to see him grow, but I know it is part of it.


We have just returned from Gatlinburg for the Cox Family Vacation. We had a great time. We drove up on Tuesday. It rained the entire drive up ... we followed Tropical Storm Ida all the way up there. Brady did wonderful. You never know traveling with a 21 month old how it will go, but 90% of the time, you wouldn't have even known he was in the vehicle. He was a trooper the whole vacation. He is definitely off schedule as far as bed time, naps, etc. Some days his only nap was 30/45 minutes in the car. Wednesday was still a nasty drizzly day, so me, Jason & Brady went on our own and went on a ride through some of the state park (while Brady napped) and went to the aquarium. I have to say the shark tank was amazing and my favorite.
We had reservations at Dixie Stampede for 8:30. We were nervous about that, since at home he would be going to bed at that time. But he did fantastic, he loved watching the "horsies". That was a fun time. Tayler was chosen to chase the chickens for the South and Bryan played horse shoes for the South, they both did great and got a Win for their teams. You couldn't use flash photography, so the pictures I got where not to good. We also went to Cades Cove for a picnic and to see the wildlife. We saw lots of deer and turkey this time. We had a great time and can't wait for next years trip. Bryan & Jennifer, will have another little with us then!

Brady loved this "car-car" ... Every time we would pass it on the strip, he would have to ride it. His daddy showed him how to stall it out and he thought that was funny to shift it from low to high real quick, which would make it and the music stop for a second. It was only .25 cents per ride ... he definitely got a dollars worth and enjoyed every minute of it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

My precious Tiger ....
Brady loves his cousin Tyler, as you can see the grin on his face as he went up and hugged him when he first saw him!

As always, there is plenty of good food to eat ... Brady loves Cheese, so he decided to dip his shredded cheese into the cheese dip, to make it cheesier!

He loves wearing his "monkey on his back" ... even around the house ...

Every year for as long as Jason can remember his family has held there annual trick or treat festivities ... We go to Nana & Pop's where they have everything set up and the bonfire roaring! Everyone gathers, brings chips, dips, snacks, desserts, etc .. We roast hot dogs on the open fire. Fellowship, then all the kiddo's load up on the trailers and go trick or treating. I have been doing this for 5 years and we used to only have only 1 trailer full, but the families have gotten bigger and friends added to the mix, so now we fill up two trailers. The headcount on our trailer was 27! So I am sure we had around 50 people on there, with about 25 trick or treaters! Can you image the neighbors faces when they saw the kids piling off the trailer running towards there door!!! That would explain why only about 10 houses had there lights on and one turned there lighs off when they saw us pull up!!!! HA! Brady was a blast. I have to say, I was very worried about him, he is at the age where he is constantly going and you have to constantly keep an eye on him. That is why I bought the "monkey on his back" .. but he did great. He liked to go trick or treating with his Uncle Johnny (thank you Johnny!!). He was exhausted when we made it back to Nana's. We changed his clothes, but on his pj's and went home and he hit the pillow and never said a word until 7:00 the next morning, and that is gaining an extra hours' sleep as well!! Happy Halloween!