Friday, September 11, 2009

War Eagle, Hey!

Last Saturday kicked off the football season. Brady got to wear his jersey for the first time ... It was a little big on him, but I thought he looked cute :) We are working on him saying War Eagle and Towndown Auburn. He use to be able to put his hands in the air when we said touchdown auburn, but we haven't done it in some time now, so he has forgotten it.

Me, Jason, & Will went to the first game. It was a little different down there now, and is different without the Davis' being there ... we missed them. We also missed having the motor home there. This is the first game since mom and dad got the motor home that we went without it, so we were a little lost. Hopefully we will get it down there soon and have a normal tailgating game!
Things around here are good. Brady's new thing is getting himself in and out of his bed. He started that Labor Day and now he has it mastered. Nap time and bed time have became more of a challenge. He gets out of bed 2 or 3 times before he finally lays down.
Monday night, he got out of bed about 4 times, and on the fifth time he got out, go on his four wheeler, and rode into our room, you couldn't help but to laugh at him! We are going to change his bed to a daybed this weekend, so I Will post pictures of his new "big boy" bed when we get that done. Have a great weekend and warrrrrrr eagle!!!

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