Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trade Days and The Ice Cream Man ...

This is a picture of Brady at Tannehill waiting on the Choo Choo Train ... Mom, Dad and myself took him to walk around trade Days and to ride the train. He also got an extra surprise and saw the horses, and had to ride them. He was such a big boy, he got right on the pony, held on and rode in a circle a couple of times. He loved it and did not want to get off!! We had to bribe him with the choo choo train to get him to leave the horses. You can see in the picture he is waiting on the train every so "patiently"!
The Ice Cream Truck!

I wasn't feeling well one afternoon and Nana came over to see Brady and of course he wanted to go home with her. She took him home so I could rest, I went and picked him up after supper and while I was there the Ice Cream Man came through there subdivision for the first time this summer. This was Brady's first experience with the Ice Cream Man. He got a blue batman Popsicle, and loved it. As you can see by his blue mouth and tongue! That has been almost 2 weeks ago, and we haven't seen the ice cream man come through again. Hopefully he will before long, so Brady can get another Popsicle!!

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