What have we been up to the past month? Honestly not much at all, or at least nothing picture worthy!
I took Brady to swim with his cousins yesterday. It took him about 30 minutes to warm up and get in the water, but once he did, he picked right off where he left last year and had a blast. He swam for over 2 hours and it took a while to get him to get out to go home, he kept saying "me no go home"!! We will definitely spend some more days by the pool this summer! Momma enjoyed it almost as much as he did! He was so tired when we got home, he almost fell asleep at the table eating dinner several times. If he wouldn't have needed a bath to get the sun screen off, he would have been asleep by 6 o'clock!
In other news, I am 10 weeks pregnant with baby #2! Me and Jason have known for 6 weeks, and we kept it a secret for 4 weeks, until I had my first ultrasound which happen to be the Thursday before Mothers Day, so it led us to be able to tell our mothers and families on mothers day! It could not have been more perfect. This pregnancy has been different than the first. I stay sick more than I stay well, and the tiredness, oh man, I nap everyday that I can with Brady, and if I don't catch a nap, I am in bed by 7:30, 8 at the latest!! Other than that, everything is going good. I go back next Tuesday for my monthly appointment.
Brady is going to be a big boy next week. He is starting a K2 Summer Program and will go to the camp 3 days a week this summer! We will see how he does and go from there for the fall! I think the biggest adjustment will be sleeping on a cot and nap mat! I assume when he sees the other kids doing it, he will be just fine! I will let you know how he does!