Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ladies & Gentlement ... The Greatest Show on Earth!

Me and Jason took Brady to the Ringling Brothers Circus last night! I bought the tickets Tuesday night, and everyday, he has to watch the "Circs" on the Internet. So he was already pretty excited about it!! I bought the middle price tickets, because there was no way I was paying the VIP prices! We got there, and as soon as we gave our tickets and walked into the concourse, his mouth dropped, started saying Ohhhhh and he got so excited about the lights and stuff going on. Of course I had to buy him his own light to have! He held that thing almost the entire night until he started getting sleepy at the end. We went to our section and had trouble finding out seats, so we had to ask for help, we never dreamed that our cheaper price tickets were front row, on the floor seats!!! We had some of the best seats in the house! Brady was able to stand along the fence the entire time. The only thing that would have been better to him, was if he was on the other side of the fence! The only difference between us and the VIP section, they got to go on the ring and watch some of the acts!!! We were thrilled with our seats, and Jason said that's where he wants to sit from now on!!

As you can see in the pictures, everything was just right there. He loved all the animals, especially the horses and elephants, the motorcycles, the car-car and train. He could have cared less about the trapeze stunts! It was cute, when the elephant in the picture above laid down, Brady thought he went night-night! He kept saying night-night and waving bye to him! Brady had a great time, I am so glad we were able to take him!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brady's 2nd Birthday Party!

This past Saturday, we had Brady's birthday party at Parties on the Move. He has gone there several times to play, so he ran right in and was ready to go! Everyone was either jumping, climbing, sliding, playing basketball or baseball. There was a wide variety and I think everyone had a great time! We appreciate all the friends and family that were there to help him celebrate his 2nd birthday!

Everyone Playing ....

More Playing!

Cake Time

Here are a few pictures of the kids and Brady at the table waiting for cake and ice cream. Brady was such a big boy sitting there drinking his capri sun and just waiting. He was all "shy" smiles while everyone sang happy birthday. As soon as the candle was blown, he was quick to grab the firetruck off the cake, and start rolling it around! When his cake was served, he dug right in like a big boy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

presents from Momma & DaDa

We gave Brady his presents from us tonight. He got a new car-car, a Rusteze 18 wheeler and trailer to haul his car-car around, a new Train Engine that he can operate, a police car, and a cell phone. If he takes as long to open the gifts tomorrow as he did ours, we will be there all day!! He wants everything to be opened up as soon as he gets it! For the rest of the night, he went around and played with each one of his new toys. At first the police car was the favorite, but once he realized he could turn the new train engine on and off himself, that entertained him the rest of the night.

**On another note, it is 10 o'clock and Jason is Finally done with the play area. I am sure the neighbors love us right now. He has Will's batting cage lights set up out there lighting up our whole yard, and the bobcat is beeping!!! Oh well, it isn't like we do this all the time, we have usually been in bed for 2 hours by now! ** Brady will have a very big day tomorrow!

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Happy Birthday Brady!

At 10:07 this morning, Brady turned 2 years old! He woke up this morning around 7:45 in a great mood and for some strange reason wanted to me sit, and then lay on the floor with him in his room, so of course I did. He laid there with his head on my arm and ran his pass around my face. I guess he assumed that I would like that, because he likes to do it to himself. I was talking to him and asked him if he slept good last night. He told me No, I asked why not, and he mumbled something, then told me 'back' and started rubbing his back, like it hurt. I got to telling him, well son, 2 years ago at this time, mommas back was probably hurting too!! then I got all sentimental, he thought I was crazy and got up!!! ha ha! crazy momma!!! This is a couple of pictures of him this morning when he first woke up on his birthday. As he says and jumps in the air "yea, I two!!!!!"

We didn't do to much today, Susan took him to have his two year portraits made, grabbed Chick Fil A on the way home, and he took almost a 4 hour nap! All this time, Daddy worked in the yard trying to get his play set and area ready before he woke up, but was unable to because he was 2 landscaping timbers short, so back to Lowe's I went. We were going to go out to eat, but Jason wanted to work on it some more, so I just picked up Full Moon and we ate at home. Now it is 9:40 and Jason is still outside working on this area. Bless his heart, he is determined to have it done today! What a good daddy! Hopefully I will have pictures of it tomorrow. We have his birthday party Tomorrow, so I should have lots to talk about and pictures to show!!

through the "years"

Robert Bradon Cox

January 15, 2008, 10:07 a.m.

6 pounds, 9 ounces, 21 1/4 inches long

February 2008 - 1 month old

April 2008 - 3 months old

June 2008 - 5 months old

August 2008 - 7 months old

October 2008 - 9 months old

November 2008 - 10 months old

1st birthday, January 15, 2009

13 months old - February 2009
14 months old - march 2009

15 months old - April 2009

18 months old - July 2009

20 months old - September 2009

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This video was just to cute not to share! This is Brady's first experience with a water fountain! It only took him about 20 seconds to "figure" it out! I love when he would press the button, go for water and there would be nothing coming out!! Then at the end when he finally got it, got sprayed in the face and laughed about it!!! This is one funny boy!!

**disclaimer ** please excuse my extremely southern voice in the background :)

New Years & Playing

It is hard to believe it is 2010 and that my baby will be 2 on the 15th ... When will time slow down? We had a good new years. Me and Jason went to dinner with Marianne and Brent. It was a nice adult meal, but you know we missed our babies, because as always, they were the topic of a lot of conversations. Before dinner, we made plans to go back to there house and bring in the new year, but we were so full, all we felt like doing was going home and putting on our PJ's and watching a little of the new years show, and be asleep before midnight!

Brady on the other hand, had a wild night! He went to a spend the night party at Marcie and Johnny's house with all the other cousins! He was by far the youngest there, but did great. He played and played with all the big kids, and stayed up until 11 o'clock, then slept on a pallet all night! What a big boy he is!!

I have been taking him to play at the play center that we are going to have his birthday party at a couple times. These are a couple pictures of him playing in the tot and arcade area. These were taken on my phone, so they aren't the best quality, but you get the point. He has a really good time at this place and likes the inflatables as well. I am going to try to post a video of him sliding down the inflatable (if I can get it to work).