Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trade Days and The Ice Cream Man ...

This is a picture of Brady at Tannehill waiting on the Choo Choo Train ... Mom, Dad and myself took him to walk around trade Days and to ride the train. He also got an extra surprise and saw the horses, and had to ride them. He was such a big boy, he got right on the pony, held on and rode in a circle a couple of times. He loved it and did not want to get off!! We had to bribe him with the choo choo train to get him to leave the horses. You can see in the picture he is waiting on the train every so "patiently"!
The Ice Cream Truck!

I wasn't feeling well one afternoon and Nana came over to see Brady and of course he wanted to go home with her. She took him home so I could rest, I went and picked him up after supper and while I was there the Ice Cream Man came through there subdivision for the first time this summer. This was Brady's first experience with the Ice Cream Man. He got a blue batman Popsicle, and loved it. As you can see by his blue mouth and tongue! That has been almost 2 weeks ago, and we haven't seen the ice cream man come through again. Hopefully he will before long, so Brady can get another Popsicle!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update from the Cox's

What have we been up to the past month? Honestly not much at all, or at least nothing picture worthy!
I took Brady to swim with his cousins yesterday. It took him about 30 minutes to warm up and get in the water, but once he did, he picked right off where he left last year and had a blast. He swam for over 2 hours and it took a while to get him to get out to go home, he kept saying "me no go home"!! We will definitely spend some more days by the pool this summer! Momma enjoyed it almost as much as he did! He was so tired when we got home, he almost fell asleep at the table eating dinner several times. If he wouldn't have needed a bath to get the sun screen off, he would have been asleep by 6 o'clock!
In other news, I am 10 weeks pregnant with baby #2! Me and Jason have known for 6 weeks, and we kept it a secret for 4 weeks, until I had my first ultrasound which happen to be the Thursday before Mothers Day, so it led us to be able to tell our mothers and families on mothers day! It could not have been more perfect. This pregnancy has been different than the first. I stay sick more than I stay well, and the tiredness, oh man, I nap everyday that I can with Brady, and if I don't catch a nap, I am in bed by 7:30, 8 at the latest!! Other than that, everything is going good. I go back next Tuesday for my monthly appointment.

Brady is going to be a big boy next week. He is starting a K2 Summer Program and will go to the camp 3 days a week this summer! We will see how he does and go from there for the fall! I think the biggest adjustment will be sleeping on a cot and nap mat! I assume when he sees the other kids doing it, he will be just fine! I will let you know how he does!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Day fun!

We had a full day of fun on Easter. After church, we went to Nana & Pop's to eat and hunt Easter eggs. Then we went to Mom and Dads to hang out and play. Brady got his t-ball set out and played baseball with Uncle Will. Here are a few pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt with Tayler, Tyler & Joe Roy.

The Easter Bunny Visit

Although, Brady did not go visit the Easter Bunny this year, he did pay Brady a visit. We tried to go to a local church egg hunt and carnival the day before, but it rained all morning, so we ended up not going. As for Easter Morning, Brady decided to sleep in. We finally had to wake him up at 8:15 and be at church by 9! Brady did not want to get out of his bed, until Daddy finally brought his gifts into his bedroom, then he was ready to crawl out of bed! The Easter basket was filled with candy, car cars, Handy Manny Tools, Keys and then he had a gas pump that would not fit in his basket. He was so excited about his gas pump, that he had to go find his flint stone car and fill it up with gas before we could get ready for church. He looked like a handsome little man at church. Of course, I did not get a good picture of him or a family picture made.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Today, we celebrated Ty's first birthday at Oak Mountain. He had a John Deere themed party in the barn, and it was precious! Ty loved the icing off his smash cake and was so patient as his momma opened all of his many gifts. After all the partying, all the kids went downstairs to the petting zoo. Brady had a blast, he chased around donkey's, sheep, and goats. He was able to feed all of them as well. We had a great time and will definitely be taking Brady back to the petting zoo! Happy 1st Birthday Ty, we love you!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A new Niece!

We have a new niece!
Miss Tinsley Michelle was born Friday at 11:52 p.m.
She weighed 7 pds & 12 ounces.
She is just precious and already loved by so many! Tayler is going to be the best big sister/mommy and Tyler is going to have his hands full protecting his 2 sisters! So far she has been the best baby, we went and saw them for a couple hours Saturday night and she never cried! Brady didn't really know what to think of her, he sat in my lap while I held her and he kept looking at her and trying to lift her blanket up to see what was under there, I don't think he could tell if she was real or not since she was so quite and still!! He did kiss her forehead when we left! Lord knows I love me some girl things, just ask Tayler, Aunt Jaime is always good at Christmas and birthday gifts, so now I have another niece to spoil!!!

Playing with his buddy Ty

We went to The Beard's house a couple weeks ago to cook out and let the boys play. The guys grilled out, Me and Marianne cooked a fudge pie and the boys played. We tried to get a few pictures of them, but of course getting a 2 year old and almost 1 year old to cooperate at the same time is not very easy!! Ty will be 1 years old in 2 weeks and we are excited to be going to his celebration. We are also going to camp that weekend, so that should be fun! These two stinkers keep us busy, so camping with them should be pretty tiring, but fun at the same time!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

We are still here!

I have been a bad blogger lately, but there just hasn't been much going on at our house to talk about!! It is cold, so we stay in all the time! We did venture out 2 weeks ago and get brady a haircut, and here is a picture of him when we left! Of course, two weeks later his bangs are already back down to his eyes!!!
This was last Friday afternoon/night ... me and Brady had a lazy Friday! This picture was taken about 5 o'clock and Brady was still in his pajamas and he had snuck a krispy kreme donut and was eating it! So needless to say, there wasn't much supper ate on his part! I can't say I blame him, I would take a Krispy Kreme over supper anyday!!

We are so ready for some warmer weather so we can go outside. We have a threat of more snow/rain tomorrow, which looks like it is going to be all rain, plus the weather is cold, just not cold enough to stick! We have a few things going on in the month of March, so hopefully I will have more to blog about!
A couple Funny things he has said/done lately:
- Brady is in the playroom playing and I hear him sneeze, followed by a "scoot coute". I think that is my version of Scat Cat that I say to him when he sneezes!!

- We are working on getting him off his passies. He sleeps with two and if he has one, he has to have another. We are working only having them when he is in his bed. So now he has started asking to go to bed, just to lay in there about 30 minutes to get his "pas" fix, then he is ready to get back up and play!
- His Nani gives him a hard time about his passies and throwing them away, and today, he came out of his bedroom holding 4 passies, and said "bye momma, Nani's" as in he was going to Nani's ... I said you cant' take them to Nani's, she will throw them away. The look on his face was like 'oh yea' and he turned right around and went and put them back in his bed!

Monday, February 15, 2010

First Valentines Party

Brady was invited to his first valentines day party with boys and 'gurls'. It was at his favorite party place. He ran right in and started sliding and jumping. He spent the whole hour going non-stop and was very tired on the way home. After play time, they had cookies and juice. Of course my child who loves him some "cookshees" was the first one to sit down, the first to finish his cookie, and the first and only child to ask for more!!! What can I say, they boy loves his cookies!! Thank you Bella & Sophie for inviting us to your party, we had a great time!

Happy Valentines Day!

We had a great Valentines weekend. Jason was actually sick all weekend, but it didn't stop my boys from surprising me on Saturday with a delivery of a dozen roses! Saturday night, me and Jason went and had a nice dinner, just wish he would have felt better, but he was a trooper still taking me out.
On Sunday, we woke up and gave Brady his valentines. He was excited about his chocolates, new toothbrush and toothpaste and fire truck. Since Jason was still sick, me and Brady got ready for church and went and saw his buddy Ty, get dedicated. Nani and Papa came by later and brought him a Valentines. Some "Monies" and M&M's to refill his bank with. He has already gone through a couple of dollars of his "monies"

Friday Snow Day!

It snowed on Friday, about an inch. It actually started snowing about 10 a.m. and snowed all day long, but it wasn't until late afternoon that is was cold enough for it to stick. I didn't want to take Brady out until it stopped snowing. He has been sick with a runny nose and cough all week, so I didn't want to make it anyworse, but I wanted to let him go out in it for a little while. He never really touch the snow. He enjoyed just being outside and riding his wheeler.

WHAT? Who doesn't eat a "cookshee" while looking at the snow?!??!?!
waving to the neighbors passing by!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

6 feet tall and skinny!

Brady had his 2 year old check up on Monday. He is 3ft .5 inches tall and weighs 26.5 pounds. I did not realize how tall and skinny he was until I looked back at this picture that I took while he was waiting on the doctor. His is scrawny! I promise the boy does eat, he eats Chicken Nuggets, M &M's, Cookies, Snacks, etc ... yes it is mostly snacks as he is VERY picky right now, but he does eat!
He is in the 95 percentile for height. Weight and head is in the 25 percentile. He has always been in the tall, skinny big head category, but now he is tall, skinny and average head! He is predicted to be a little over 6 feet tall when he grows up. He is going to be like Jason was (until Jason reached his 20's) .... tall and skinny! Other than that, he looked good, got one shot, handled it very well and we are good to go until next year! The "terrible" twos have arrived. He is very head strong and loud, and me and Jason have "no idea" where he gets either of those thing from! He still is a very sweet boy though!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ladies & Gentlement ... The Greatest Show on Earth!

Me and Jason took Brady to the Ringling Brothers Circus last night! I bought the tickets Tuesday night, and everyday, he has to watch the "Circs" on the Internet. So he was already pretty excited about it!! I bought the middle price tickets, because there was no way I was paying the VIP prices! We got there, and as soon as we gave our tickets and walked into the concourse, his mouth dropped, started saying Ohhhhh and he got so excited about the lights and stuff going on. Of course I had to buy him his own light to have! He held that thing almost the entire night until he started getting sleepy at the end. We went to our section and had trouble finding out seats, so we had to ask for help, we never dreamed that our cheaper price tickets were front row, on the floor seats!!! We had some of the best seats in the house! Brady was able to stand along the fence the entire time. The only thing that would have been better to him, was if he was on the other side of the fence! The only difference between us and the VIP section, they got to go on the ring and watch some of the acts!!! We were thrilled with our seats, and Jason said that's where he wants to sit from now on!!

As you can see in the pictures, everything was just right there. He loved all the animals, especially the horses and elephants, the motorcycles, the car-car and train. He could have cared less about the trapeze stunts! It was cute, when the elephant in the picture above laid down, Brady thought he went night-night! He kept saying night-night and waving bye to him! Brady had a great time, I am so glad we were able to take him!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brady's 2nd Birthday Party!

This past Saturday, we had Brady's birthday party at Parties on the Move. He has gone there several times to play, so he ran right in and was ready to go! Everyone was either jumping, climbing, sliding, playing basketball or baseball. There was a wide variety and I think everyone had a great time! We appreciate all the friends and family that were there to help him celebrate his 2nd birthday!

Everyone Playing ....