Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall pictures!

I have wanted to get Brady's pictures made for some time now, but I have either have put it off, haven't had time, the weather wasn't good, etc. (excuses!) So yesterday the weather was pretty so I decided to dress him up in a fall outfit and take him to Aldridge Gardens and take his pictures. Mom met us there on lunch and helped me with him. Which I am thankful for, because I never could have kept up with him by myself and took his pictures! When I put his stroller in the back of my car he had to put something in there too, so he choose his wooden truck. The truck is special, because one of Jason's uncles made it for him when he was a little boy, now Brady plays with it. I am scared he will tear it up one day, because he loves to push it around so much. It also has a trailer that attaches to it, but we left it at home! So as you can see, the truck are in most of the pictures. All in all the pictures were a success and I have a few frame able ones!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch with The Beard's yesterday. It was perfect weather and a good time for our boys. Brady was a great age for it this year. He really enjoyed the Hayride, the Maze, the Train ride, and just running around, all in all just being outside! We had a great time, and look forward to many years of doing stuff like this with our boys!! After the fun, since the weather was perfect, we decided to get lunch and have a picnic at the pavilion. I think we spent more $ at the concession stand and bake sale than we did at the pumpkin patch, but it was good!! :)

Brady was very good on every ride, just sat there and rode. The hay ride took you to the top of the hill to a Maze, I wasn't going to let him do it at first, as I told Marianne, "he wouldn't know the difference" ... but after everyone else got off the trailer, he watched what they were doing and decided he could do that himself, so he went through the maze and was such a big boy and proud of himself when he got out! the big boy walked back to the trailer, climbed on and was like, "okay, lets go!" ... He really enjoyed watching the tractor go by, you can see in one of the pictures, he sat in the grass and watched it go by. He is such a sweet boy, and is getting so big. I think he is going to enjoy the Bunn Halloween party this year. We will be doing that on Saturday. I think I will need to get a leash to keep up with him!

Our Families:

The Hayride:

Train Ride and picking out pumpkins:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Big Boy Hair Cut

The After .. front and back!

excuse the chick-fil-a on his mouth, of course he had to be rewarded for his good behavior with chicken!

Brady has desperately needed a haircut for several weeks now, but his daddy has not wanted to get it cut. I will admit, I was having a tough time parting from the little "frat boy" out of control long hair, but this morning I woke up to this ... and decided this boy needs a hair cut! Jason is out of town today, so I took him to see Mrs. Crystal, who has cut Will's hair since he was a little boy, and she gave him first official big boy haircut at 21 months old!! He had his first hair cut at 17 months but we just trimmed the front and sides, this time, he had an all over haircut!!
He did VERY well, however he would not sit in the chair himself, so I had to sit down with him in my lap, so therefor there is no pictures of his first big boy haircut! He played with his truck and was rewarded with a tootsie-pop ... I think it turned out really cute, and can't wait for Jason to get home this afternoon and see him. I know he will love it when he sees it and I will not be in trouble for not telling him I did it!!! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cutest little Tiger in Town

I had Brady try on his Halloween costume last night. I was a little worried he would hate having it on, but he actually really liked it, he wore it around for about an hour! He looked so darn cute, even showed off his little baby face and didn't make him look like a big boy!! 

Walking in Daddy's shoes ...

Jason has a tendency, to always leave his work shoes right where he walks in the door and leaves them ... so now that Brady has really taken a notice to wearing shoes, he likes to walk in his daddy's work shoes! He was so funny, walking in these things and getting so mad when he would walk out of them and when he would trip and fall. 

Jason had his knee surgery last Friday (Pct. 9). He did really well. He ended up with 3 tears in his Meniscus and inflammation, Dr. Carr was able to take care of it in a matter of 15 minutes! Of course we were there for 4 hours though! He has done really well recovering, we went out and walked around the block last night. 

We are hoping to take Brady to the pumpkin patch this weekend. One by the lake since it has a petting zoo, then getting home to cook some Chili and grilled cheese, and watch the Auburn Game! Next weekend we plan on going to the local patch with Ty! We want to get some cute pictures of our lil' men together! 

Brady's new word/phrase of the week: Wow! Wow! Wubsy! which is a show on what use to be the Noggin channel, now Nick Jr. ... although he says something more like "wa wa wubsiiii" but you can clearly tell that is what he is saying! 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Doing tricks

Brady loves to ride his "wheeler" and do tricks. Here are a few pictures of him riding and showing off some of his tricks, which include riding with no hands and riding with his feet on the steering wheel. I hope this is not a sign of what is to come with him and how he rides a 4-wheeler, if so momma will be a nervous wreck!