Wednesday was our 3 year anniversary ... We are going to celebrate tonight, by going to Flemming's, yummy!!! It is hard to believe we have been married 3 years. I thank the lord for a wonderful 3 years and look forward to what the future holds for us and our family. Happy Anniversary Jason, I love you :)
Brady is doing good. We took him to the Galleria today to eat lunch and walk around. Of course, he had his chickfila. We sat by the carousel, he liked watching it and would question why it stopped. So I decided to let him ride it again ... the last experience wasn't a good one. I wouldn't say he loved it, but he did like it! He would hold on to the pole when he felt brave and about the time the horse would start going back up in the air, he would hold on to me. Needless to say when the ride stopped, he was fine to get off there. At least he didn't' cry this time ... Seeing that I was the one that rode with him, there is no pictures!