Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Belated Anniversary to us!

Wednesday was our 3 year anniversary ... We are going to celebrate tonight, by going to Flemming's, yummy!!! It is hard to believe we have been married 3 years. I thank the lord for a wonderful 3 years and look forward to what the future holds for us and our family. Happy Anniversary Jason, I love you :)

Brady is doing good. We took him to the Galleria today to eat lunch and walk around. Of course, he had his chickfila. We sat by the carousel, he liked watching it and would question why it stopped. So I decided to let him ride it again ... the last experience wasn't a good one. I wouldn't say he loved it, but he did like it! He would hold on to the pole when he felt brave and about the time the horse would start going back up in the air, he would hold on to me. Needless to say when the ride stopped, he was fine to get off there. At least he didn't' cry this time ... Seeing that I was the one that rode with him, there is no pictures!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We are still around ....

I know I have been the worst blogger, but I have gotten so behind that it has gotten overwhelming to sit down and catch up, but I decided, that today, my off day, I am going to get updated and try not to get this far behind again. In catching up, we have been to the beach again with my family. We had a very nice time and Brady enjoyed the pool again. We didnt' even try to take him back to the sand again, because it is almost a football field length to walk out there, and that is just to far for this out of shape momma to walk and stay out there and walk back in 10 minutes carrying a 23 pd child :) 

We finally made it to the lake this past weekend, the basement issues, have been resolved enough for us to go down there and enjoy the rest of the summer. Brady had a blast. He loved the water. I wasn't sure if he would like it or not since it was "dark water", so I bought an inflatable pool to put on the pier just incase, yea, it never made it out of the box. he loved the river, which I am so glad, that is where I grew up during the summers and I hope Brady is able to do the same! He even rode around with his daddy on the jet-ski, but I didn't have my camera down there then so I didn’t get a picture of it … he loved the boat rides, he would just point wave and enjoy the wind blowing through his hair! 

I guess those are our 2 major events, other than that, we have hung around the house in the air conditioner, it has been way to hot to be outside! We have started landscaping our yard, in phases, we have gotten side 1 and front side 1 done, we are doing it week by week, so next week will be the other side of the front, then the other side, then the back, etc. Then it will be on to Brady a play area in the back, I told Jason that could wait until fall when it cools off, because I am Santa or his birthday will bring an outside play set, so we have a little time for that. 

Brady did have his 18 month appointment on July 31st. He weighed 23 pounds, and 11 ounces. He is in the 80% for his height and 25% for weight … so he is tall and skinny for his age. His height has leveled off though, because he has been in the 90th percentile for height. He only had to get 1 shot, and he did VERY good. We don't’ go back until he is 2 years old.  

Below are pictures from the beach, lake, around here, etc. 

Lake pictures

blogger is acting crazy and not letting me upload all the pictures I want to ... but here are some from the Brady's first lake weekend as a "big boy"! 


beach pics


"To climb out of the bed or not?"

Brady decided he wanted to climb out of his bed the other morning. While i was aggravating him and would not get him out of his bed, he thought he would take matters into his own hands. Well as you can see he got half way over, sat on top of his bed, looked down and changed his mind ... he went back to his bedside ... which was a relief to me, he is scared of it this week, next week may be a different story, but for now we can keep the rails on! 

Mr. Smarty Pants

Brady can now point to 9 of his body parts ... I snagged a couple pictures of some below ... but he can point to his ears, eyes (sometimes he chooses to blink them really fast instead of pointing), nose (ans of course the finger ventures up there!), mouth, teeth, hair, feet and hands.

In the pictures he is pointing to his ears, nose and eyes.