Thank You Aunt Lindy for the chicken nuggets for today! They were left over from last night, we had my cousin, T.J.'s high school gradutation party last night. It is hard to believe he is 18 ... I was in the 3rd grade when he was born! ahhh, that makes me feel old!!
We all know Brady LOVES his chick-fil-A. Everyone that knows him, knows when all else fails, you can always get chick-fil-a. Well today, I think he found a new love for chick-fil-a! Dipping his chicken in the special sauce! It went from dipping the chicken, to smothering the chiken in there and digging it out, to just licking the container!!
I had to post the picture from a year ago, it was from May, so right at a year, his first experience with carrots, everyone blamed me for being a messy feeder, I think Brady was and is a messy eater! :)