Friday, May 22, 2009

lovin' chick-fil-a

Thank You Aunt Lindy for the chicken nuggets for today! They were left over from last night, we had my cousin, T.J.'s high school gradutation party last night. It is hard to believe he is 18 ... I was in the 3rd grade when he was born! ahhh, that makes me feel old!! 

We all know Brady LOVES his chick-fil-A. Everyone that knows him, knows when all else fails, you can always get chick-fil-a. Well today, I think he found a new love for chick-fil-a! Dipping his chicken in the special sauce! It went from dipping the chicken, to smothering the chiken in there and digging it out, to just licking the container!!

I had to post the picture from a year ago, it was from May, so right at a year, his first experience with carrots, everyone blamed me for being a messy feeder, I think Brady was and is a messy eater! :)

ahhhh, the milk!

Look at this angelic face ...

who would think just 5 minutes earlier, he would have been doing this .... While I was cooking him breakfast this morning (scrambled eggs & bacon) he decided to turn his milk cup upside side and spill milk on to his tray for some "fun" ... I kept hearing him giggle, and didn't think to much of it, because he was watching the Noggin Channel, but when I got to a break in cooking, I turned around and found the mess ... milk all over him, the tray, the floor, the fridge, etc! If you click on the picture to see it bigger, you can get an idea of the mess! 


Friday, May 15, 2009

Some cute pics

Happy Belated Mothers Day!

Happy belated mothers day! I hope every mother and grandmother had a wonderful day. I know I did! For Mothers Day, my wonderful son (& husband) gave me a new camera, a Nikon D60, and excited would be an understatement. I have been trying to take pictures of some new things Brady has been doing for weeks now, and could never grab it, now I got it. 

"I don't know" is Brady's new response to everything!! Brady where is your pa? Brady where is Baylee? Where is your truck?, etc ... his reply is always with this hand up like this and shrugging his shoulders to say i don't know! so cute :) 

The other picture, all I can say is poor Baylee  ... you can see Brady running for her and all I caught of her was her high end getting out of dodge!! 

These boots are made for walking ...

and this is what his daddy did ...


Sorry I have not posted in over 2 weeks. It has been crazy busy around here. I finally finished working full time, what was suppose to be 6 weeks, ended at 10 weeks!!! Then when I finally get to be at home and catch up on anything and everything, the computer got a virus! But we are all good now, and I will try to be better. Here are a couple cute picks of my lil' man in his "b" shirt that I had made for him. This was the Saturday before Mothers' Day and we tried to go shopping for my present and to dinner, just the three of us, well the night turned out to be a wreck because "someone" had only slept about an hour that day. For a child that usually naps about 4 hours a day, we really should not have expected much more!!! So I blame that on us! 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

playing outside

Brady definitely loves the outside and he isn't afraid to let you know it. He is either saying "side", looking out the door and pointing, or just plain crying to go outside when a door opens or the word outside is mentioned. You can see in the pics they cries I get to go outside and then to have to come back inside.
Last weekend, we did yard work and I took him outside, he wasn't out there 30 minutes, and already red face and hot, which made him ill, so I took him inside, which made him madder, I gave him a bath to cool him down and get the sun screen off, and that made him that much more mad. I put him in his bed in his diaper only and let him take a cool nap, and he passed out!
I sure hope he doesn't take after me, and can't handle the heat! As much as this boy loves the outside, he is going to have to have a tolerance for the outdoors like his daddy!