Sunday, March 29, 2009

My 1st sucker!

I gave Brady his first sucker this afternoon, a bubble gum flavored dumb-dumb ... He acted like he had done this before?
Has someone given him one and not told me or is my child just this smart ... hehe!
He loved it, as you can tell in the pictures, he was all smiles for it!

Shhh ... Don't tell Jason!

I have figured out a way to get the house clean with Brady's help! Little man went all over the house this morning with the swiffer. If his momma was smart, she would have put one of the pads on bottom and really let him clean the floors!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prayers for Ty ...

Welcome Mathew Tyler "Ty" Beard!
Marianne ended up having an emergency c-section around 3:30 yesterday ... Ty's heart rate kept dropping with her contractions, so around 3:57, little Ty came in to the world! He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long.
I went to see him last night, when I got there the nurse was taking his temperature and it was low, so he had to go under the heater, and he stayed there the 2 hours i was there, and was still there when I left, but his temperature was coming up. So I never got to hold him and it was killing me!! Marianne was doing great!

Talked to Marianne and Brent this morning ... Ty went to the NICU around 3 this morning, his temperature would never get to where it needed to be. They have done test on him, and everything is coming back great, he is eating well, using the bathroom, etc, but his white blood count is high, which signals infection as well. The doctors say he will be fine, they are giving him antibiotics to fight the infection, and he will have to stay in the NICU until Monday if all goes according to plan. Keep Marianne, Brent & Ty in your prayers as they fight this infection.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Come on Baby Ty!

Ty is on his way!! Marianne went to the doctor this morning after having contractions at 7 minutes apart last night, and she is 3 cm dilated and 75% enfaced, so she is on her way to labor and delivery now, and Dr. Stone said he would break her water today!!! She went through all this yesterday for 7 hours, to be sent home :( But today he will be here! We can't wait to meet Brady's best friend! I will post pictures whenever he makes his arrival!!
Keep Marianne, Brent & Ty in your prayers today!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Easter Pictures

Brady's easter picture proofs are available. You can tell in the first couple of pictures, he was a little teary eyed from the scare of the bunny! You can view them by going to:
-View your pictures
-Bunny Pictures
-They are under Cox

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easter pics!

I took Brady to have his Easter pictures made today with Rhonda and "Mr. Binky" the rabbit. He did good at first, didn't like the bunny and then I charmed him with some "nacks" (snacks) and he let the bunny sit in the chair with him as he pulled his hair ... Poor bunny! But I can't wait to get the proofs, when they are ready, I will post the link. But I had to post some pictures of my Lil' man in his Easter outfit ... I thought he looked precious!!!

My new trick!

Please notice what Brady is doing in this picture! He has learned to open & shut our doors. So far he has:

1. Locked himself in our bedroom all by himself. I called Jason in panic mode, he calmed me down, had me get a nail off his tool bench, and I was in there in less than 5 seconds, only to find Brady sitting in the floor SMILING at me!!! :)

2. Opened the door to the garage, let the dogs in and just walked on outside. We now have to keep the dead bolt locked to keep the little man inside!

Look at all those teeth!

Brady was so excited to hear that our good friends Katie and Mike are having a GIRL! Can you see the excitement on his face????!!!!We are so excited for Katie and Mike, now we just have to wait until the beginning of August to meet "her"! We need a name Katie :)
Brady is also so excited to find out that his friend "Ty" is not to far away. Marianne is 37 weeks pregnant, and almost there! Her blood pressure was up a little this week, so if it continues to stay up they will talk about inducing! Come on blood pressure, but stay down enough for the saefty of baby Ty! We are so ready to meet Brady's best friend!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Outside Fun!

Brady really loves the outdoors. He will stand at the door and cry to go outside. Our cousin Cami stayed with him yesterday, so he got to go outside a couple times, and he had a good time. She took a couple of pictures of him to send to me while I was at work, slaving away, so I had to share them!
He is getting so big! He has the best little personality and just smiles and laughs about everything. Cami said he was the best babies she had kept. She ought to say that, he took 3 naps for her, and one being a 3 hour nap. So she really did have much work to do at all!!

Splish Splash, Brady was taken a bath!

Here is a couple of cute pics of my little monkey playing in the bathtub ... You can see he is a very "modest boy" he covered himself up!!!! He loves his bath time! His new thing, is to lay down in the water and either try to drink it or blow bubbles!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sick & Fun

We have been a sick family this past week. It started off with me, then I gave it to Jason. We finally got better around Tuesday. Then Thursday morning Brady woke up feeling horrible, winy, oh so winy, wouldn't eat, drink, nothing, just wanted to sleep or fuss. Jason stayed home from work to keep him, so I could go to work. Then I took him to the doctor that afternoon ... double ear infections ... You wouldn't know it today though, 2 days of antibiotics, and Brady is back full force.

Speaking of work .. Whitney had her baby 3 weeks early, so I am officially full time for 5 more weeks. the first week absolutely exhausted me!! I will probably get use to it, about the time Whitney comes back and I go back to 2/3 days a week.

Last weekend was Michelle's wedding. She was a beautiful bride! I am glad we got to go to the wedding. I wasn't feeling well, but wanted to go, and Jason was at home sick. Here a couple pictures from the wedding. I had to steal them from Ashlee because I forgot my camera.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Am I precious or What?

What would make Mommy think this precious, but yet mischievous grin meant that Brady was up to something??? Besides he has the remote in his hands. Which he think is "so funny" when he gets it, because he knows he isn't suppose to have them, because our remote for the den is all but about to need tape to hold it together!

Well it didn't take me long to find out what this grin was all about ... Jason had decided to let me sleep in a few more minutes, so he kept the bathroom door open while he showered to listen out for Brady ... when he got out of the shower ... this is what he found!
Brady was celebrating Auburn's basketball victory by rolling our house! Of course it was too cute, not to take pictures of!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

Last year Brady was only 4 days old when it snowed, so he didn't get to go out and enjoy it. I think this year, he would have rather enjoyed it from his window view again. The first time we took him out, it was still snowing and cold, so he didn't have much to do with it (as you can seeing in the crying pic). He did however, like to ride on the 4-wheeler with his da-da, but it was just to cold to stay out. Brady went in and took a 2 1/2 hour nap. I guess just watching the snow wore him out! Me and Jason took advantage of the snow and went out for a snow ball fight and to build a snowman. Well the snow ball fight ended when he popped me in the face, because that is just wrong! Then the building a snowman ended when we realized we didn't have any gloves our
hands were freezing!
We took Brady back out for a 2nd attempt when he was well rested. As you can see in the pictures, same thing! Oh well, maybe next year???
Vegas and Baylee loved the snow. Baylee played in it so long, that her undercoat was frozen solid, so she would go in the garage lay by the heater and "melt" the snow on her, then go back at it again!

It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous snow. I just wish it would have last longer. By 2:00 it was all dried up. Then the power went out for 40 minutes after the snow was gone??? Who knows!!!