Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Oh my Nose"

Poor little man got his first bad boo-boo. He went to see DA-DA work yesterday, and fell on his face, busting up his little nose. I know this is the 1st of many falls and boo-boos, but it breaks my heart to see his face like this. But as you can see it hasn't stopped this little man, he is still happy go lucky and into everything! He has almost mastered climbing up on everything ... the furniture, his toy box, the computer chair, etc. This boy is a mess!

Eating with a Spoon????

I don't know if it was so much of "eating with a spoon" or "playing with a spoon" ... But he did catch on to put the spoon to his mouth and when I would put food on the spoon. He did want to put the spoon in his mouth by himself ... Mr. Independent.

Ma's Baby Brunch

We had Marianne's Baby Shower Brunch at my house on Saturday. It went really good. All of the hostess did so much and I can't thank them enough. Haley did an amazing job on the cake, it was precious!! Here is some pictures from Saturday, as you can see from the "gifts" picture, little Ty racked up. I wish I had a picture of his room from when they took everything home, you could not even walk in there!! Marianne is blessed with great family and friends! I just wish these next 6 weeks would fly because, because we are ready to meet Ty! :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

What this boy won't do ...

We have had a pretty good last few days, despite the "drama" that has been going on. Hopefully that will be resolved sooner than later.
Here are a few cute shots of Brady I caught this afternoon riding on his Na-Na ... I thought they were too cute not to share.
I have been cleaning today getting ready for Marianne's Baby Shower this week. Well tinky boy decided he was going to help me. The next set of pictures is of Brady after he "cleaned" out his bottom drawer and climbed in and out of it! Such a silly boy :)

Here is my little redneck riding around the house on his Kubota tractor.
The pictures of Brady with the hood on and upset, well he had woken up from his nap after only sleeping about 45 minutes, rather upset, and that is not like him, So I in there to check on himand somehow he got his hoodie on and did not like that one bit. So of course what would any mother do, leave him there and go get her camera! Then of course is the picture of Brady and his FAVORITE TOY ... our remotes!! I had to post a picture of my second set of Valentines flowers from my little man, and Jason too of course! We had a great Valentines weekend filled with love and eating :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Swinging & Painting

6 months later and Brady still loves his swing outside. It is hard to believe that much time has gone by and how much he has changed. It was such a beautiful weekend, and we didn't get Brady out at all, besides grabbing something to eat. I felt horrible! But Jason was in bed sick, and I was feeling blah, so we were pretty lazy all weekend. So today we have spent some time outside, swinging and Jason came home from lunch in the "big truck", so Brady went outside to drive and honk the horn! Of course I did not have my camera with me, and daddy couldn't wait around for me to go get it; oh well maybe next time!

Oreos or Paint Chips?

Saturday morning after Brady's nap, I let him stay in his bed and play and talk for a couple minutes, as we usually do. When I went in there I immediately saw black stuff all in his mouth, and i instantly thought, "where did he find an Oreo"??? Then I quickly realized, he was in the bed, it couldn't be an Oreo, he had been chewing on his bed and had black paint chips all in his mouth! :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Day at the Park

Since it was such a pretty day yesterday, Jason went to play golf with Brent. Me, Marianne and Brady had a day together. We took Brady to the park for the first time to play. He didn't know what to think at first, but after about 5 minutes, he was having fun. He loved the swing first, then the slide, not necessarily sliding down the slide, but trying to climb up it as you can see in the pictures! He walked and crawled around for an hour, before he wore himself and us out! It was a great day to go, and we had a good time. Thank you Marianne for going with us :)