Thursday, January 29, 2009

We have a walker!


Brady has been taking anywhere from 2 to 6 steps since the end of November, so we just knew he was going to be walking by Christmas, nope, ... then we just knew he would be walking by his birthday, nope. Well now, he has officially started walking! He thinks it is so funny when he walks, he just smiles the whole time! He gets tickled at himself, and starts trying to run, that is when he falls. Mama & Dada both are going to have to get use to banged up, bruised up Brady.

A year in Review

I have finally caved in! After Marianne did it, I thought I can find time for this too! I feel like I am about a year behind though!! So much has happened over this year. We were blessed with our son, Brady. It is hard to believe, but we just celebrated his 1st birthday! It started off on Thursday (his actual birthday). I took him to Portrait Innovations for his portraits. They turned out good, considering it was nap time, and he wasn't to into it. That is one of his pictures from that day. His favorite part was the cake! He dug right in, had it all over him, and threw one more temper tantrim when we had to take it away from him and clean him up. Then his Nani & Papa cooked dinner for him. His birthday party was Saturday afternoon at Letson Farm Clubhouse. We had a great turn out and a great time. We thank all our friends and family for coming to it! Brady got lots of new toys and clothes! Jason's parents gave him a toy box, made by Jason's dad. It is beautiful and matches his furniture perfectly. Then came cake time, he wasn't so into it this time. He didn't like everyone watching him, so we just skipped that part. That boy was pooped when we left, he went home and napped for over 3 hours, we finally had to wake him up at 6:30!